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Boys' CYO Volleyball - Grades 4th through 8th

HSG CYO Volleyball is open to all registered members at Holy Spirit, St. John VIanney or St. Thomas for boys in grades 4th through 8th

There will be mandatory evaluations for all 5/6 grade teams and all 7/8 grade teams.  The evaluation date will be the end of February (Date and Time T.B.D.)

No evaluations for 4th grade as they play in one division and those players will split evenly after first practice.

Practices will start late February/Early March

Games will start the weekend of March 25th and end the 1st week of May.

Games will be played on weekdays and weekends.  Games can range from 900am to 400pm on Saturdays and 1200pm to 400pm on Sundays and start as early as 530pm during the week.  There will be one game during the week and 1 game on the weekend.  You will play games at both Holy Spirit and other parishes with CYO volleyball teams.

HSG Mini Champs Baseball - 4/5 year old T-Ball and 6/7 year old Coach Pitch

Program Information


Mini Champs Baseball (MCB) will take place on the football field grass at Holy Spirit. All games or make-up games will be played Saturdays and Wednesdays and the game times will start at 9:30am for T-Ball for Coach Pitch on Saturdays and 5:30pm on Wednesdays. Should inclement weather keep us from playing on one of those Saturdays or Wednesdays, the make-up dates are scheduled on those other weekdays and can be seen below. All of the Wednesday game times will start at 5:30pm for both T-Ball and Coach Pitch.


This year's MCB league is set-up with a T-Ball division and also a Coach Pitch division. The T-Ball League (ages 4 and 5) is open to both boys and girls just like the Coach Pitch League (ages 6 and 7). The concept behind MCB is to help teach the basic fundamentals of baseball - proper throwing techniques, proper catching techniques, proper batting techniques and understanding where and why the outs can be made on defense. This program is a great 1st step for kids in both divisions to see if baseball is something that your son/daughter might be interested in moving forward. The 1st 30 minutes will be "academy style practice" where the kids will move through stations (Hitting, Throwing/Catching, Base Running, etc).  After the academy style practice is over, the kids will then play a game to help implement what they learned in the practice portion. All players will receive a team hat and shirt - as well as a season ending trophy.


We realize that many kids would like to play together when playing sports, especially at Holy Spirit. We can allow for up to 3 requests to play together on one team. If you are wanting to play with another family - please make sure that you request that on the comment section. Please remember that all requests are not guaranteed, but we will certainly do our best to accommodate all of those requests.... especially if mom or dad would like to help coach.


The season schedule is as follows:

Saturday, April 26th - Session 1

Wednesday, April 30th - Session 2

Saturday, May 3rd - Session 3

Saturday, May 10th - Session 4

WEDNESDAY, MAY  14th - MAKE-UP DATE FOR SESSIONS 1, 2, 3 or 4 (if needed)

Saturday, May 17th - Session 5


Wednesday, May 21st - Session 6


HSG Gaming Extravaganza - Texas Hold'em and Euchre Tournaments



The Gaming Extravaganza - Athletics Fundraiser!

Let's Play Some Cards Again In the Eagle's Nest (aka PLC Gym)

- Texas Hold'em and Euchre style!! -


Come join us for THE EVENT OF THE WINTER on Saturday, February 1st in the PLC Gym.  It's time to show your Texas Hold'em and Euchre experience and compete against your fellow parishioners, friends and neighbors.  The evening will open up at 6:00pm with the start of both tournaments taking place at 6:45pm.  The goal is to have the evening wrapped up by 10:30pm.


The cost for the evening is $60 or $25.  If you would like to participate in either of the tournaments - the cost is $60.  If you would like to come hang out with your spouse, neighbors or friends - the cost is just $25.  There will be beer, wine, pop, water and sandwich foods included in the prices.  We will also have corn hole boards set-up as well as tables for side games of additional card games and dice once you are out of the tournament.


Everyone that attends will also be in the Reverse Raffle.  The reverse raffle will be a silent reverse raffle where you want to be the LAST name pulled off the board.  The winner will take home $250.00.  Again, this is also included in everyone's ticket whether you participate in a tournament or come join us for a fun evening.


The Texas Hold'em Tournament will be played in table groups of 6-8 (depending on numbers).  Tables will be consolidated as the night goes on until we get to the final table of 5.  Payouts would be $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, $200 for 3rd place and $100 for 4th and 5th place.  Special prizes will be awarded in a raffle drawing for winning hands of Full House or Higher.


The Euchre Tournament will work like all euchre tournaments where everyone will have scorecards to keep track of your points.  Each game will be played for 8 hands.  There is no "race to 10 points".  After you have dealt 8 hands at your table - you will write down your total score after those 8 hands on your scorecard.  Yes - you could write down a number higher than 10 if you tally enough points.  Everyone will be broken down into groups and the winners of each group will advance to the final payout table.  1st place team at the final table will split $500 and 2nd place will split $300.  Special prizes will be awarded in a raffle drawing for those that play and win loaner hands.  You are playing individually and not as a team (for example if you and your spouse signed up).  You will have a different partner for each of the games.

Little Champs Basketball Registration

 Grades K-3rd - Boy's and Girl's

Little Champs Basketball Information


Little Champs Basketball has 2 divisions:  Kindergarten/First Grade and also a 2nd/3rd Grade.  All games will be played in both gymnasiums at Holy Spirit.

The Little Champs basketball program is not a program to bring an entire team in and try to register an entire team to play together.  We will do our best to accommodate requests - but please understand that the most requests we will put together on one team is 3 players.  Those that volunteer to help coach will be given priority with requests.

Kindergarten/First Grade - all teams will practice for the 1st 20 minutes and then they will play 5–8-minute running clock quarters.  Game times for the Kindergarten/First Grade division will be 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Session start times will be 8:30am and 9:45am, and potentially 11:00am.  There will not be any practices during the week - only the 20 minutes for the time allotted before the start of their games each Saturday.

2nd/3rd Grade Division - all teams will practice for the 1st 20 minutes each game day and then they will play 5–8-minute running clock quarters.  Time frame for the 2nd/3rd Grade division from 9:45am, 11:00am, and potentially 12:15pm.  There will not be any practices during the week - only for the time allotted before the start of their games each Saturday.


The season schedule is as follows:

  • February 8th - Saturday - Session 1
  • February 15th - Saturday - Session 2
  • February 22nd - Saturday - Session 3
  • March 1st - Saturday - Session 4
  • March 8th - Saturday - Session 5
  • March 15th - Saturday - Session 6


Little Champs Basketball is designed to teach the FUNdamentals of basketball.  If numbers allow in both the K/1st and the 2nd/3rd grade divisions, we will create an all-girls division and an all-boys division.  If the numbers do not support it, we will mix the boys and the girls into teams and balance the numbers of girls and boys across the teams.  Little Champs capacity is 250 kids and we hit that number every year.  If you are considering signing up your child, I would not wait too long as once it fills up, registration will close.  If you have any questions - you can contact Marty at the link below.


Cost is only $80 with family multi-player family discounts available.

Open Pickleball for Adults 

Adult Pickleball is available to members at Holy Spirit and St. John Vianney.  If you are interested in Adult Pickleball - you need to make sure that you register yourself on the list below:

General Information Distribution List


By joining the distribution list, you will be able to know ahead of time if we have gym conflicts and Pickleball games are cancelled that day to avoid making a trip to play as well as other pertinent information.


Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings from 8:30am to 12:00pm

Saturday Mornings from 10:00a - 12:30p


For additional questions, you can contact Marty Miller at

   Open Volleyball for Adults

Adult Volleyball is available to members at Holy Spirit on Sunday evenings from 7:00p to 9:30p.  To sign-up to play, please click below:


If you would like additional information, you can contact Marty Miller at,

Open Basketball for Adults 

 Adult Basketball is available to members at Holy Spirit on the following dates and times:


Saturday Mornings from 630a - 8:00a

Monday Evenings from 9:00p to 10:30p

Wednesday Evenings from 9:00p to 10:30p


If you are interested in attending and would like to be placed on any of the basketball distribution lists, you can contact Marty Miller at

For additional sports questions - you can contact:

Marty Miller